Laser Scanning
Laser scanning plays a key role in quality and process control. With the right equipment and expertise, you can obtain highly accurate and detailed data capture from many shapes and surfaces.
This data can then be used to create detailed 3D models, which help in planning, design, and analysis. Laser scanning also enhances safety by minimising the need for employees to work in hazardous environments, as measurements can be taken remotely.
Laser scanners are invaluable in many industries, including construction, architecture, and engineering. While they are primarily used for the quality control of geometries and surfaces, they are also highly beneficial for reverse engineering and assembly applications.
By emitting laser pulses and measuring their return time, laser scanning creates precise point clouds, capturing spatial details that would be difficult to measure manually.
We have 3D scanners to suit all applications at 3D Solutions. They range from portable high accuracy scanners, to large-scale scanners suited to sectors such as civil engineering.
Our supported scanners can scan up to 1.2 million points per second. They have a range of 60-metre volume, with an accuracy of +/- 0.05mm. This enables us to scan large and complex components with ease. From this data, we can provide you with in-depth analysis and reports, including surface deviations, colour maps, STL files and a full reverse-engineered CAD model.
Get in touch to speak to one of our knowledgeable team members about your requirements.
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Opening hours
3D Metrology Solutions Ltd
Unit 37, Babbage Road, Engineer Park, Sandycroft, CH5 2QD